Addiction is a devastating disease that leads oneto lose control over their actions while filling a void with drugs, alcohol,and other substances. Even if a person cognizant realizes that their drug habitis unhealthy or serving them in negative ways, the power of addiction lies inits incredible ability to hijack the brain’s reward centers and lead one down aroad fraught with harmful routines. These can include overeating, substanceuse, gambling, and even the compulsive use of electronics and social media.
Forming the right kind of habits plays aninstrumental role in our overall well-being, and breaking the cycle of harmfulroutines by embracing new ones is a sure-fire way to feel better. Finding newrituals that help rewire the brain can forward the energy previously put forthcompulsively through using drugs or alcohol and direct it in a way thatbenefits the individual and the whole.
Let’s explore a few activities that are proven toreturn strength and meaning to a person in recovery:
Carl Jung once spoke of art as a healing force,recommending from a “therapeutic point of view, to find the particular imageswhich lie behind the emotions.”
Working on a project that allows inner creativeenergy to flourish can enhance the quality of one’s life whilediminishing stress and allowing one to work through with a wide array oftrauma, psychological roadblocks, and stress. Simply put, painting a picture ofan emotion can often be the best way to face or move on from that emotion.
Art therapy, when used as a treatment forsubstance use disorder, can improve cognitive functions, increase positiveself-image, build emotional resilience, enhance social skills, resolveconflicts, and even advance societal and ecological change. It promotes theimplementation of non-addictive, self-soothing techniques that lead to andencourage healthy self-reflection.
While women and adolescents have especially responded to art therapy, theeffectiveness of the treatment is leading to more widespread acceptance amongstthe mental health community. Graphic arts like drawing, painting, and collagingor spending time journaling and creative writing are all great ways to getstarted with exploring and regulating your emotions in a beautiful way.
Cardio increases heart rate, reduces anxiety, anddepression and can prevent the start, increase, and relapse of substanceuse.
Daily aerobic exercise, such as running,bicycling, swimming, hiking, and even dancing alters the dopamine pathway inthe brain, refocusing the brain’s reward and motivation center in a way thatenhances both physical and mental well-being.
A Denver-based training facility opened its doors to any former user at least48 hours sober, creating a fitness-focused community that redirects lost timeusing drugs and alcohol and replacing it with high and low impact activitieslike CrossFit, boxing, weight lifting, and yoga. The sober livingcommunity-meets-gym business model has since spread to five states whilehelping over 20,000 people in their recovery.
“I come to the gym because this place saved mylife,” said one of its members.
If you can’t join a gym, the simple act ofwalking for 30 minutes a day can lead to lower risk of heart attack and strokewhile easing joint pain and boosting immune function. Just spending more time outside in natural environmentscan have a restorative impact on your mood and health.
Exploring the endless world of culinary delightsin a hands-on way is one of the most rewarding ways to thrive inrecovery. Cooking is an activity thatpeople can participate in every single day and helps you face your food in anintimate and enriching way.
It involves parallel multitasking that canbenefit both the individual and an entire group. Feeding people is a processwith many variables that can bring people together for a creative experiencethat tastes amazing, nourishing both the self and the soul. It can provide akind of “reminiscence therapy experience,” a type of group therapy that sendsone back into pleasurable and nostalgic memories.
It’s also an opportunity for repeated mastery,which leads to greater self-efficacy and self-esteem. Cooking hands you thekeys to your own health and nutrition, giving you the power to decide what goesin your body. Your diet affects your mood, and if you make more healthfulchoices, such as eating more leafy greens and using less salt, you may start tonotice results sooner than you can imagine.
Boston Medical Center is one hospital that actson the connection between healthful cooking and medicalconditions, offering a “Cooking for Recovery” class that givespeople the tools to fight substance use disorder through the knowledge andimplementation of positive techniques that anyone can use in the kitchen.Teaching about which foods are mood enhancers and mood depressors and the importanceof fiber on bacteria health, for example, can lead those in recovery to makethe right decisions going forward rather than falling into relapse.
Ultimately, replacing negative coping techniqueswith positive ones is a solid way forward into a more uplifting and morewholesome tomorrow. At Ethos Structured Sober Living, this is whatwe’re all about. We’re a supportive community that looks out for oneanother through the cultivation of accountability, camaraderie, and characterdevelopment.
Contact us today to learn more.