5 Ways to Reset Your Mind for Recovery in 2022

5 Ways to Reset Your Mind for Recovery in 2022

At this time of year, it’s tempting to set a “New Year’s resolution” …unfortunately, they don’t always work.

They’re a nice sentiment, but in practice, less than 7% of resolutions make it to the end of the year.

Your recovery is so much more than a resolution, and you deserve more than a 7% chance at changing your life. When considering resetting your mind and life in 2022, remember that there is no magic cure. It takes realistic, achievable steps, lifestyle changes, and a solid routine you can stick to.

5 Ways to Reset Your Mind for Recovery

Create a Routine

Creating a routine is the first step to real change.

You don’t have to have your entire day planned to a T – it’s about training yourself to perform basic actions consistently. Learning to incorporate simple, good habits on a daily basis allows you to grow more complex daily commitments that improve your wellbeing.

Begin with simply choosing to wake up at the same, reasonable time every day.

After that, consider the next point of consistency – feeding and walking the dog at the same time every day, calling your mom, making the bed. Create a few points of consistency, and as you stick with them, add more.

Be Realistic with Yourself

As you progress in your recovery journey, you’ll have moments when you feel particularly powerful, able, and optimistic. In those moments, it’s easy to raise your own expectations regarding yourself, your recovery, and what you will be able to consistently do to remain well.

Take an opportunity to reflect on the goals and expectations you set for yourself. Know that you will have strong days and moments, but you will also have challenges that seem almost impossible to overcome.

Recovery is difficult. Consistent efforts are difficult. If you commit yourself to immediate, major lifestyle changes, it may be too much to ask of yourself all at once. Realize that you are a work in progress, and small, reasonable goals will be far more effective than massive, sudden adjustments. Especially if 2022 will be your first year sober, remember to keep it simple.

Social Media Breaks

It’s okay to let go of social media for a while. Social media can be a major stressor, and stepping away – even temporarily – can give you some much-needed rest and reflection time.

Movement and Physical Activity

If you are able, incorporate movement and physical activity into your daily routine. It doesn’t have to be much – even a casual fifteen-minute walk around the block will work wonders on your mental and overall health.

As you progress, you may come to a point where physical activity is an essential tool to overcoming addiction (like in the case of Mike Grant), but there is no shame in starting slow.

Mental and Emotional Wellness

Addiction wreaks havoc on your mental health, and there are several facets to reclaiming your own mind.

  • Social Breaks: Just like with social media, it’s a good idea to distance yourself from individuals who mentally and emotionally drain or exhaust you.
  • Prayer and Meditation: Recommitting yourself to meaningful religious practices can bring peace. Consider private prayer and meditation, or joining a community of like-minded people.
  • Professional Help: Don’t be afraid to seek out therapy, rehabilitation, or other types of professional help in your recovery.
  • Kindness and Mindfulness: Your needs aren’t chores, they’re opportunities. Remind yourself that you deserve to live in a clean home; you deserve to eat nutritious foods. You deserve time alone when you need it, and you deserve to be kind to yourself.

When you’re fighting for sobriety, Ethos Recovery is in your corner – contact us today to see how we can help you reclaim your life.