Life is a blend of magic and mystery. Every day, we maneuver obligations and opportunities, chalking up several wins along the way. But there are inevitably obstacles that stand between you and your g
Youth is a time of exploration. Many younger individuals travel abroad and connect with others in their fields of interest, but the pandemic put a halt to the traditional ways in which we gather and m
Recovery is not an overnight process, nor should it be. You can't just snap your fingers and become sober unless you want your success to be similarly short-lived. Great achievements take time, but he
You can't put a price on happiness. Recovery is designed to help you live your best life, and it should never be cost-prohibitive. That is why we caution against the impulse to dole out exorbitant amo
When you have a problem, you don’t want to fix part of it; you want to repair all of it. If your house bursts into flames, you wouldn’t merely douse the living room with water and hope t
The human mind can dream of distant worlds and analyze a flood of stimuli every microsecond. But perhaps its most important job is to protect itself. When you encounter distress or doubt, your brain g
Drug and alcohol addiction can affect anyone, including celebrities. Even though celebrities have the resources to seek help from drug addiction treatment centers and <a href="https://www.ethosrecover
March 20th</sup> through the 26th is <a href="" id="">National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week</a> (NDAFW), an annual
Depression and anxiety are commonly comorbid with substance use disorders. Also, symptoms can linger as a result of post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). Finding holistic ways to manage anxiety and d
Achieving sobriety is a fantastic achievement! However, one thing that many patients face is adapting their social life to reflect their new status. This can be stressful because it is very easy to sl
Long-term sobriety recovery is worth every challenging step along the way. The battles you face, the scars you wear, and the victories you win celebrate your achievement. But the road doesn’t h