The Differences Between Mentoring and Therapy

The Differences Between Mentoring and Therapy

According to the latest statistics from SAMHSA, as of 2020, 58.7% of people ages 12 and up had reported using tobacco, alcohol, or an illicit drug within the last 30 days. While some of these individuals were casual use cases, many included those suffering from a substance use disorder (SUD).

When suffering from a SUD, it can be challenging to determine the best course of action to take when seeking help for your addiction. The most common path for addressing a SUD is through a combination of therapy and mentoring. Unfortunately, many people believe these are the same and limit themselves to available treatment options.

No – Therapy and Mentoring Are Not the Same Things

As it turns out, mentoring and therapy are two completely different things and play two very different roles in your recovery from a SUD.

Therapy is a form of counseling where one meets with a trained professional to address their addiction. In a therapeutic environment, you can discuss your triggers, emotions, and any other challenges you have been experiencing in your addiction recovery. This can help you identify the root causes of your addiction and find ways to move forward.

On the other hand, mentoring is a relationship between two people who come together for the express purpose of helping one another reach their goals. In this type of relationship, you work side-by-side with your mentor to set goals, track progress, and provide support when necessary. You may also share your experiences with other people, but the focus is always on you and your journey.

The Importance of Therapy in SUD Recovery

There are many different forms of therapy to help you cope with your addiction, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and group therapy.

It's important to understand that therapy is a form of treatment that can be used alongside other forms of treatment and help you to better cope with your addiction. The key is to find the right form of therapy that works for you and use it consistently throughout your recovery. This will help you identify your triggers and learn ways to cope with them so that you can find ways to prevent your addiction from taking over your life.

The Importance of Mentoring in SUD Recovery

Mentoring is another form of treatment that can help you to better cope with your addiction. A mentoring relationship is one in which you work with your mentor to set goals, track progress, and provide each other support.

One significant difference between therapy and mentorship is that therapy is led by a trained professional, while mentoring relationships are done on a peer-to-peer level.

This is an essential distinction because mentoring relationships are often built on a foundation of trust and familiarity, making it easier for you to be transparent and vulnerable when discussing your experiences with addiction. This can help you build a new support system and find others who are going through similar experiences and can help you learn how to cope with your triggers and emotions.

Just How Crucial are Mentors for Those in Sober Living?

Mentor and peer recovery coaching is an integral part of sober living and plays a vital role in addiction recovery. In an environment where many people are recovering from severe addictions, it can be challenging to navigate the waters of recovery without someone to guide you.

A peer recovery coach can provide support and advice to those in their community who are working to stay sober and help them identify their triggers, cope with their emotions, and find ways to build resilience. They can also provide education and support for those in recovery.

Programs such as these have been shown to decrease relapse rates, reduce substance use, reduce emergency service utilization, and decrease criminal justice involvement.

Recovery Coaching and Sober Mentoring with Ethos Recovery

Mentoring and recovery coaching are integral parts of the recovery process and have significantly impacted the recovery experience. Whether you are looking for a new peer recovery coach or are ready to build your program, Ethos offers a variety of programs that can help you cope better with your addiction. If you’re searching for sober mentoring, look no further than Ethos Recovery. Contact us today to learn about your recovery support and mentoring options.