
Is it Mental Illness or Just Life on Life's Terms?

Mental health conditions are common in the United States. In fact, according to a <a href="" id="">report </a>from the National Institute of Me

How to Stay Sober on St. Patrick's Day

Early recovery is difficult for most people because you have to learn how to change people, places, and things. While there are many people in your life who can help to foster your recovery, there are

How to Stay Sober While Living with Someone Who's Still an Addict

Addiction is a very serious problem and is a complicated disease to overcome. Even the most dedicated and well-intentioned patients can find it hard to stay sober – especially if they are in a

How to Stay Sober When Your Partner Still Drinks

If your life has become alcohol-free, but you still live in a community or home where alcohol is consumed, you can<a href=""

How To Navigate Sobriety With a Family Who Likes to Drink

Similar to heart disease or diabetes, alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a <a href="

How Can I Stay Sober When I Live in a Party Town?

When you’re sober, feeling like there is pressure to party in the place you live can create a stressful environment. Even if it seems like you have to drink if you live in a party town and that

How Can I Support My Loved One as They Transition Into Sober Living?

As a family member or friend of a person transitioning into sober living, you might feel a range of emotions. You might be confused, frustrated, or angry. If you feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to